Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More Working Travel Options

While I can work online from anywhere, I also love the idea of having local work and volunteer opportunities. These seem like great ways to meet people while traveling and get an insiders' look at your destination.

I have come across a few websites that hooks up hosts and travelers willing to work. Some are for pay, others are volunteer opportunities:

Help Exchange

I'll just paste the site's description here, since it sums it up so well:

HelpX is an online listing of host organic farms, non-organic farms, farmstays, homestays, ranches, lodges, B&Bs, backpackers hostels and even sailing boats who invite volunteer helpers to stay with them short-term in exchange for food and accommodation.

Opportunities to work on organic farms all over the world. I've been wanting to do this for years.


This is another with a blend of paid and volunteer opportunities. Hosts include everyone from B&Bs looking for workers to individuals seeking pet sitters.